Van Dhan Vikas Kendra

Van Dhan Vikas Kendra

Why in news? Ministry of Tribal Affairs is planning to launch first ever “Van Dhan Vikas Kendra” at Bijapur, Chhattisgarh for value addition of Forest Produce. Value addition assumes critical importance in ensuring remunerative prices to the tribals in this approach.

Key facts:
  • This first model Van Dhan Vikas Kendra is being implemented for training of 300 beneficiaries with a total outlay of Rs 43.38 lakhs for training, providing equipments & tools for primary level processing and infrastructure & building for housing the Kendra.
  • It provides skill upgradation and capacity building training and setting up of primary processing and value addition facility.
  • The selection of the tribal beneficiaries and formation of the SHGs under this has been undertaken by TRIFED.

Significance of MFP:
  • Minor Forest Produce (MFP) is a major source of livelihood for tribals living in forest areas. The importance of MFPs for this section of the society can be gauged from the fact that around 100 million forest dwellers depend on MFPs for food, shelter, medicines and cash income.
  • It provides them critical subsistence during the lean seasons, particularly for primitive tribal groups such as hunter gatherers, and the landless. Tribals derive 20-40% of their annual income from MFP on which they spend major portion of their time.
  • This activity has strong linkage to women’s financial empowerment as most of the MFPs are collected and used/sold by women. MFP sector has the potential to create about 10 million workdays annually in the country.

Sources: pib.
