Integrated Silk Industry Development Scheme' for the next three years from 2017-18 to 2019-20.

Why in the discussion?

Under the chairmanship of the Prime Minister, the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs has approved the Central Sector 'Integrated Silk Industry Development Scheme' for the next three years from 2017-18 to 2019-20.

The following four parts of this plan are:

1. Research and development, training, transfer of technology and information technology initiatives.
2. Egg Structure and Farmer Extension Center.
3. Coordination and development of market for seeds, yarn and silk products.
4. In addition to a series of silk testing facilities, augmenting technology upgradation and export brands after the raw silk cove, besides quality certification system.

What will be its financial expenditure system?

In the three years from 2017-18 to 2019-20, the total allocation of Rs. 2161.68 crores has been approved for the implementation of the scheme. The plan will be implemented by the Ministry through the Central Silk Board.
What will be the effect of this plan?

With this process, the production of silk with the following processes has been increased from 3,348 metric tons of 2016-17 to 38500 metric tonnes by the end of 2019-20:
का Production of Bolivian silk production of 8,500 metric tonnes per year as an alternative to import by the year 2020 for Resea and development to produce silk from current 100 kg per hectare level to 111 kg level till the end of 2019-20.
का Large spread of advanced reeling machines (automatic reeling machine for mulberry; better reeling / spinning machinery and basic reeling machines for wild silk) under the Make in India program of quality silk to meet the market demand. .
This scheme will encourage women empowerment and will get livelihood opportunities for Scheduled Castes / Scheduled Tribes and other weaker sections of society.
This scheme will help in increasing the employment of about 85 lakh to 10 million people by 2020.
Comparing with previous plan

The following improvements have been made in the scheme compared to the previous plan:

The objective of this scheme is to achieve self-sufficiency in silk production by 2022. Upon achieving this target, the production of high quality silk in India is likely to reach 20,650 metric tonnes by 2022, which is presently 11,326 metric tons. This will be an advantage that this will reduce the import to zero.
For the first time, special attention has been paid to improve the production of high quality quality silk.
The strategy for implementation of this scheme is clearly based on the union of state level plans with other schemes like Rural Development's MNREGA, RKVY (Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana) and the Ministry of Agriculture, Prime Minister Krishi Sinchayee Yojana.
The work of R & D projects related to disease-resistant silkworms, improvement in biological plants, productivity enhancement tools, reeling and spinning material etc. will be done with the support of the ministries, namely, Science and Technology, Agriculture and Human Resource Development Ministries.

What is the purpose of the plan?

The main objective of the scheme is to improve the productivity and quality of silk through research and development.
In this regard, the main emphasis of research and development is to promote Biovoltaic silk as an alternative to advanced crossbride silk and import so that the production of bivoltine silk in India can be increased to this level that imports of raw silk can be negligible by 2022 and India Self-reliant in silk production.

Key features:

Improve species through the development of advanced varieties in research and development, and through research by the prestigious national research organizations, such as IIT, CSIR, Indian Institute of Science and Japan, China, Bulgaria etc, along with international institutions of silk production, disease-resistant Improvement in silk pest management; Special emphasis has been given to technical reforms in the fields of raw silk and pre-Cove areas.
Under this, special attention will be given on technical improvements and cheap mechanization.
Special emphasis will be given to increase the value added value on the diversification of sericin and non-woven fabrics, silk denim, silk nit etc for the use of silkworms by-products (pupa), cosmetic.
Egg production units will be strengthened under the egg sector so as to enhance the production capacity to achieve the target of increased silk production, besides establishing quality standards in the production network.
For the production of quality egg cocoons, assistance for the production and supply of checkpiece insects will also be provided to the private graniers for chawki rearing centers and quality eggs.
Other endeavors include installation of new cold storage, providing mobile disinfection units and equipment aid for mechanization.
Registration process under Seed law and Reporting by the Egg Production Centers, Basic Seed Farm, Extension Centers will be developed by developing web based software.
Under this scheme, all the beneficiaries, silk parents, seed producers, poster rearers will be brought in the DBT mode by connecting them with the base.                                              A helpline will also be set up to ensure timely redressal of grievances and access to all programs.
Brand Promotion of Indian silk will be encouraged not only in the domestic market, but also in the export market through the merit certificate by Silk Mark.
Pruning of silkworm eggs, cocoon and raw silk will be promoted by establishing cocoon testing centers and silk testing centers.
Attempts are being made to strengthen cooperation with NIFT and NID to develop product and design.
